आपकी कार्ट

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टैक्स शामिल। शिपिंग की गणना चेकआउट के समय की जाती है
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OrganicPaws Chicken Rumps 1kg

$14.96 AUD
टैक्स और देय राशि शामिल है चेकआउट के समय भाड़ा शुल्क की गणना करें
Chicken Rumps are the rear portion of the carcass containing a soft “Bone Plate” covered with chicken meat. This delicious soft bone treat that is almost a meal in itself is great for all size dogs. Feeding your dog a raw meaty bone regularly in addition to a balanced raw diet provides many health benefits including a great source and perfect balance of Calcium and Phosphorus. In addition to their yummy taste, they also give your dog’s teeth the equivalent of a good brushing and flossing helping to break down tartar and reduce the risk of gum disease. Feeding your dog a raw bone provides mental stimulation when eating and is great exercise for the muscles of the jaw. It is always advisable to supervise your dog when giving them a bone.No weight bearing bones included.-Peti SIZE Available in 1kg lock seal bags
OrganicPaws Chicken Rumps 1kg-Peti OrganicPaws Chicken Rumps 1kg-Peti OrganicPaws Chicken Rumps 1kg-Peti

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